Why is Balance Such a Struggle?

Why is Balance Such a Struggle?

Has anything ever been so universally praised, and at the same time, as universally lacking as balance in life? Ask any doctor, any... read more
Passion for Healthy Life Balance

Passion for Healthy Life Balance

A few weeks ago, I told a story about a man I once knew who was really, genuinely passionate about wrought-iron fencing. I know, right? How... read more
How to Do Better than Cope with Anxiety

How to Do Better than Cope with Anxiety

Last week, we talked about loneliness, as one of the great epidemics of today’s world. Today, we’re going to talk about another, even... read more
How to Break Bad Habits Stress-Free

How to Break Bad Habits Stress-Free

Few things in life are more reliably stressful than bad habits—the kind that you know are bad, that you would really prefer to live... read more
How to Make Friends with Anyone

How to Make Friends with Anyone

It’s a great irony that even as the internet has connected the whole world, making us closer to each other than ever in a way, loneliness... read more
Breaking Nocebos

Breaking Nocebos

How much of our lives are wasted on lies? ... read more
False Alarm

False Alarm

Welcome back everyone! A couple of weeks ago we talked about the power of emergencies to bring out the best in people, and how we might be... read more


I’ve said several times before that emergencies generally aren’t when most of us get ourselves in trouble. Nothing brings people... read more
What is Sacrifice

What is Sacrifice

Since I was young, one of the most confusing things I ever heard in church and from the ancient manuscripts we studied was the practice of... read more
Seed or Fruit

Seed or Fruit

Welcome back once again, everyone! You can think of today’s post as a follow-up to our recent piece on living in “have-to” vs... read more
Your Identity

Your Identity

Welcome back everyone! As we get started this week, I’m going to ask each of you a quick diagnostic question: does the current biggest... read more
One Question

One Question

Welcome back again for another week, everyone! The thought I want to share with you today is one that absolutely saved my life as a young... read more

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