The Hero Paradox

The Hero Paradox

Quick, don’t think, just answer. What’s easier: being decent, or being a hero? Being decent, right? Obviously. But then, I’m sure... read more
Imperfect Anonymous

Imperfect Anonymous

As a follower of Jesus, I’ve often said that my ideal church gathering would look pretty close to an AA meeting. Although I was past... read more
For Today

For Today

What do you want for your life? A simple question, for which most of you will have many answers: love, success, health, children,... read more
The Doors

The Doors

In my experience, most people don’t really understand the cause of the problems in their lives. When I say, “problems,” I’m... read more
The Conflict of Obedience

The Conflict of Obedience

There’s something inherently infantilizing about the word “obedience,” isn’t there? We endure its need as kids, and as we get... read more


Almost everyone I’ve ever worked with had an addiction of some kind. Not necessarily a clinical addiction as we would usually understand... read more
Action or Identity

Action or Identity

Like me, many of you were probably raised in conservative religious backgrounds. You were taught something along the lines of, “be good... read more
The Old and the New

The Old and the New

If you’ve been with us awhile, then you’ve probably heard me reference the popsicle story: a woman I worked with had been traumatized... read more
On Strong Foundations

On Strong Foundations

According to an article published in the Atlantic, in the moment before any human decision is made, there is an electrical spike from the... read more
Private Lives

Private Lives

There’s a curious fact I’ve observed about myself and others: oftentimes, we struggle the most when things are easiest. ... read more
In Truth + Love

In Truth + Love

Think back for a moment, and try to remember a day where you had something to do—something you were dreading in a small sort of way—so... read more
What Feels Right

What Feels Right

Welcome back, everyone! Today’s topic is a tricky one, not only because it deals with questions that are difficult to answer, but because... read more

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