The X Factor Quiz


In my thirty years of counseling experience, I have found that any problem someone can have boils down to one of four areas. This quiz is designed to help you identify which area is affecting you most in just 60 seconds. After that, we'll dive deeper to discover what issue is causing those problems, ultimately helping to fix it in order for you to live your best possible life.


Rate each question on a scale of 0 to 10, with 10 being the highest. We encourage you to only select a number once for each category.  You can choose the same number for multiple categories but in our experience, the rating for each category is always different if you are really honest. This test was developed with a prioritized weight to its answers in order to get the most accurate results to best help you. Answer the question based on how you truly feel in the deepest parts of your heart — not what you would tell someone else. Your answers will not be shared with anyone. At the end of the quiz, you'll be asked to provide an email address so we can send you customized results and tools to help you overcome what's holding you back!

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