Each one of us has a kind of miraculous software program built into us, so powerful that it’s hard to believe—and almost no one I’ve ever talked with even knew it existed. This incredible power of the mind is called psychological adaptation. It’s function: to ensure that you can be content—even happy—under almost any circumstances.

Most people live their lives believing that they need a certain set of circumstances in order to be satisfied, usually rather lofty circumstances, and almost always beyond what they currently have. As you read this now, are there issues in your life that you can’t honestly say you’re okay with? How many times have your already tried to fix it without results? These problems are oftend generational and extremely difficult to break—one in a hundred would be optimistic. But let’s take a look at how things are supposed to be.

One of the more famous studies on psychological adaptation tested a group of new paraplegics against a group of new lottery winners. One group had just endured one of the most dreaded things that could possibly happen to a person, the other group, one of the most desired.

They gave both groups a series of tests on emotional wellbeing, happiness, meaning and purpose in life, health, and various other types of satisfaction. As anyone would predict, the lottery winners scored immensely higher in every category. Six months later, both groups took the same test again. But this time, there was no difference in the overall scores of the two groups. The paraplegics were just as happy, hopeful, and full of meaning and purpose as the millionaires. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? It defies belief!

That’s the power of psychological adaptation, and it occurs automatically without you even having to think about it. But you may have already spotted a problem with this picture. If we all have this wonderful ability inside of us, why are so many people still so unhappy? Why isn’t it working?

Well, if you noticed that problem, you’re right. For a significant percentage of us, our psychological adaptation mechanism is not working, or to be more accurate, it is malfunctioning so badly that it can’t help us. Here’s the thing, although this mechanism allows us to cope with virtually any external circumstances, it is shut down if our internal state is too negative. From my experience as a counselor (and this is of course, a very rough, subjective estimate), if you rated a negative internal state from -1 to -10, with -10 being the worst, than anything lower than about a -3 is too much for psychological adaptation to overcome.

In other words, if we’re to recover, our internal mental state must become more positive. I’ve been working to make this happen with clients all over the world for the last 18 years, in 50 states and 172 countries. The methods I use now typically take six weeks or less, are very inexpensive, and can be done at home in your pajamas, no doctor required. And when that internal state shifts to allow your natural adaptation mechanisim to come back online, the result is like magic. All of a sudden your thoughts, emotions, and even the physiology of your body improves in a way that probably would have seemed impossible. All os a sudden, you feel good, and even in the midst of bad circumstances, you’d still be okay.

Virtually every new client I see is not okay—and psychological adaptation is usually one of the culprits. Often, it’s the only culprit. So start fixing yours today! I have two methods designed to do this, Memory Engineering, and Trilogy. Trilogy is a great place to start, as not only is it my most powerful method ever, but it’s completely free to learn and use, now and forever! So click here [link] to get started.

Have a blessed, wonderful day!

Alex Loyd


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