Radical Balance

Radical Balance

Everyone has their own idea of what it means to be “in balance.” Some people like to go with the flow, live spontaneously and take... read more
Quiet Miracles

Quiet Miracles

Think back to when you were a child, excited and hopeful about the future. No doubt you spent a lot of time imagining what you might do... read more
The Lie

The Lie

I’ve built a huge part of my career around the idea that nothing is more destructive than a wrong belief. Often, these come from a... read more
The Heart of the Matter

The Heart of the Matter

Today, we return to one of our most foundational issues, and one that bears heavily on each and every one of us, every day. The idea is... read more
It’s All You

It’s All You

In my first ever psychology class at Lipscomb University, the professor introduced us to his subject by writing on these words on the... read more
What to Do

What to Do

Welcome back everyone! If you were with us last week, then you’ll remember that we talked about the real meaning of faith—how it’s... read more
The Point of Faith

The Point of Faith

Faith has got to be one of the most misunderstood concepts in the world—dismissed as superstitious by those who reject it, underestimated... read more
It’s Not What You Do

It’s Not What You Do

What would you say to someone who offered you a deep peace of mind and heart, every day for the rest of your life, regardless of... read more
Against the Norm

Against the Norm

Today, I want to take a bit of a departure from the recent trend of our discussion. Over the last few weeks, we’ve given a lot of... read more
The Source of All Human Misery

The Source of All Human Misery

Sigmund Freud once said that idealism is the source of all human misery—not a lot of it, or even most of it, but 100 percent! Personally,... read more
Changing Your Labels

Changing Your Labels

Welcome back everyone! For the last couple of weeks, we have examined how to turn your everyday experience toward peace and... read more
The Joy Switch, Part 2

The Joy Switch, Part 2

Welcome back everyone! Last week, I talked about how prayer may be the single most overlooked tool for finding joy in your daily life, and... read more

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